Be more for healthy babies

B’more for Healthy Babies Upton and Druid Heights receives funding from CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shields through the Baltimore City Health Department and the Family League of Baltimore to improve birth outcomes of infants in Upton and Druid Heights. The program helps pregnant and postpartum women access prenatal services, supportive services and resources so that they can have healthy, full term babies. BHB works collaboratively with faith-based groups, businesses, schools, and community leaders to build networks of support for women. To date, the program has provided non medical case management services, education and referrals for 114 pregnant women and has referred over 275 pregnant women for additional supportive services. Through collaborative efforts, nearly all infants in BHB have been born at 96% near term or at term.

Some program accomplishments include: annual Barber Baby Days, FamilyFest 2013, and quarterly Moms Night Out activities. Many moms who have participated in the program have had healthy babies and have been able to obtain employment, housing, and finish their GED. During this fiscal year the program will focus on improving maternal mental health and increase father involvement.